Brendan Paules

Daily Drop Social Media Producer

Brendan is obsessed with finding the next crazy adventure and expanding his comfort zone. After visiting 48 states in the U.S., he took his travels internationally and turned to miles and points to open more travel possibilities. In fact, he took a three-month honeymoon using miles and points, and has been hooked on travel-hacking ever since! He’s booked countless flights and hotels using miles and points, and hasn’t paid out of pocket for any flight in over two years!

Watch Brendan do a weekly travel-hacking breakdown on the Daily Drop YouTube channel.

What is your favorite country or travel experience? Lucerne, Switzerland. Hard to get to and rather pricey… but 100% worth it!

Do you have a favorite travel hack that you’ve done? Two-player mode: My wife and I booked our whole wedding using the two-player mode strategy, paid off the cards in full, and used the points to go on a three-month honeymoon.

Earned 500K points booking his wedding with credit cards
Stayed in a 500-year-old castle with points
Obsessed with booking unique accommodations using points
Fav type of travel: The more remote the better
Self-proclaimed expert on "Two-Player Mode"
Took a three-month honeymoon using miles & points